Monday, January 5, 2009

Col. (Ret.) Jonathan Fighel - ICT Senior ResearcherInstitute for Counter-Terrorism

In the wake of the Mumbai attack on 10th December 2008, the UN SecurityCouncil's al-Qaeda/Taliban Sanctions Committee (the "1267 Committee") tookseveral actions related to the terrorist group Lashkar e-Tayyiba (LET). It listed four of its members of the terrorist group Lashkar e-Tayyiba (LET)for targeted sanctions, including asset freeze, travel ban and arms embargo.These individuals are Muhammad Sayeed a.k.a. Hafiz Muhammad Sayeed,Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi, Haji Muhammad Ashraf, and Mohmoud Mohammad AhmedBahaziq. It added a new alias for the group: Jama't-ud-Da' wah (JUD), whichis an LET front operation.[2] On 11th December 2008, Pakistan governmentclosed 11 offices of Jama't-ud-Da' wah, the Islamic charity that has beenlinked to the deadly attacks in the Indian city of Mumbai . Hafiz Sayeed, the leader of the organization Jama't-ud-Da' wah, was put underhouse arrest in Lahore while protesting his imprisonment and the impositionof sanctions with a news conference at his Lahore headquarters, hours beforehe was placed under house arrest. He denied reports that he had met with aMumbai attacker and said his group had split from Lashkar after Pakistanbanned Lashkar following a 2001 attack on India 's Parliament.[ 3] Already back in August 2006,the JuD leader Hafiz Sayeed was arrested inconnection with a series of Lashkar train bombings in India then releasedand placed under a two-month house arrest. Since then, Sayeed has beenactive in expanding Jama't-ud-Da' wah's reach across Pakistan by a Da'awanetwork, providing education and medical treatment at schools and clinicslocated in 66 cities across the country. On December 15th 2008,in reaction to the closure and the arrests,Jama't-ud-Da' wah published on its English web site a respond statement,which unsurprisingly employed the humanitarian element and motives as anemotional attempt for requiting emotions and solidarity feelings of thesupportive reader. In past cases, when it was proven over and over again that radical Islamiccharities acted as front organization for radical Islamic terrororganizations (Saudi based Al Haramain, IIRO, BIF and Hamas affiliatedcharities), spokesmen reacting on behalf of the radical Islamic charities(that were scrutinized or legal lawful actions are taken against them bygovernments) have reacted in the same perpetual pattern of wretchednesscomplaining about government oppressive actions aiming to target the poorunprotected population. Within the pattern of reactions used by radical Islamic charities, amanipulative sophisticated maneuver is employed by raising claims whichhopeful will evoke pangs of conscience and remorse within the internationalpublic domain while "pointing a finger" on "conspiracies and oppressivemeasures" taken by governments and law enforcement agencies whenever actionsare taken against them. The prevalent motive in using the emotionalityappeal, is by describing acts taken against them as "un human", targeting ofthe poor the widows and the weak population, when actually the radicalIslamic Wahabbi oriented charities themselves were and still are using andabusing the population for their own radical Islamic goals through theDa'wah social-economic network activities. While creating increaseddependency and ideological seizure of radicalization on the grass roots'"hearts and minds" within the battle of ideas, the population is mobilizedand recruited by the overt arms of the terror organizations by their Da'wahand benevolence activities, building increased commitment and dependency tothe terror organization to its ideologically and political violentobjectives. Similar projects of radicalization are the strategic goal of allviolent local Islamist groups in Jihad active zones such as in the southPhilippines, Chechnya, the Maghreb, the Caucasus, Central Asia, Palestine,Egypt, Africa, Kashmir and more. The Lebanese "Al Tawhid" opposition leader,former minister Wiam Wahab, recently accused Saudi Arabia for itsresponsibility in financing terrorism and for the events occurring inAfghanistan , Pakistan and Palestine.[4] "Who will suffer from Jama't-ud-Da' wah's closure?" In the wake of its designation, On 15 December 2008, the JuD published onits English web site a reaction statement to the UN designation under thetitle "Who will suffer from Jama't-ud-Da' wah's closure?"[5] The statementwas emphasizing the JuD humanitarian aspects of its relief work that will beaffected by the closure. The JuD announcement accuses that the designation and closure will effectits humanitarian work noting that "thousands of survivors of the devastating2005 and 2008 earthquakes, hundreds of whom receive free medical assistanceevery day in various quake affected areas, thousands of people of floodaffected areas of Sindh and Balochistan provinces, 6,000 poor and deservingpeople who receive medical treatment and medicines at Jama't-ud-Da' wah'sfree dispensaries throughout the country because they cannot afford to go toa regular clinic, thousands of patients, who benefit from Jama't-ud-Da' wah'sfleet of modern, fully equipped ambulances, 5,000 poor, destitute, andorphan children, for the assistance of whom Jama't-ud-Da' wah spends around5,000,000 (five million) rupees every month, thousands of unfortunate peoplewho come to Jama't-ud-Da' wah's medical camps and hospitals for surgeries,5,000 students who receive assistance for their educational fees every monthand other kinds of humanitarian assistance". [6] It should be noted that according to JuD on line publication, donations andcontributions for the quake victims were also used by the JuD to build 62new mosques in which the Wahabbi-Salafi purist doctrine was introducedmainly in regions dominated by the Sufi sect (which according to the Wahabbidoctrine are regarded as polytheists like the Hindus, Buddhists, theAhmadiyya school, the Qadians, the Dervish and even Shia' Muslims)[7].According to the publication, this activity was intended to" promote for thefirst time the Salafi Da'wah in these regions" [8], whereas the humanitariandisaster was exploited and manipulated by JuD as a platform to "set a footat the doorstep" and increase its influence through relief and Da'wahactivities. The perpetuate pattern used by the Saudi humanitarian aid through local"Zakat" and Islamic organization, was intentionally focused in promotingWahhabi Islam (through humanitarian aid as a platform) while cynicallyrejecting and discriminating people in need who belong to other traditionalschools of Islam. In an article published in April 1980, and entitled "Dutyof Implementing the Resolutions" , Sheikh Muhammad Ali al-Harakan (the Saudibased Muslim World League general secretary) declared: "Jihad is the key toMuslims' success and felicity, especially when their sacred shrines areunder the Zionist occupation in Palestine, when millions of Muslims aresuffering suppression [sic], oppression, injustices, torture and even facingdeath and extermination campaigns in Burma, Philippines, Patani, USSR,Cambodia, Vietnam, Cyprus, Afghanistan.This responsibility becomes even more binding and pressing when we considerthe malicious campaigns being waged against Islam and Muslims by Zionism,Communism, Free Masonry, Qadianism, Bahaism, and Christian missionaries. "[9]The Muslim World League, also has declared in its 1988 Constituent Council29th session, declared" Extensive campaigns were also launched by the Leagueagainst the perverse, deviationist and anti-Islamic movements, trends, cultsand groups such as Zionism, Communism, Qadianism, Bahaism and also againstthe vicious programmes of the Christians missionaries" .[10] The sharp-sighted reader could have noticed that on the very same home pageof the Jama't-ud-Da' wah web site, within the featured "Da'wah section", aposture of the " The Ideological Attack" book was presented. This famousbook consists the teachings and Fatwas of the late Saudi Grand Mufti and theprominent Wahabbi scholar, Sheikh Abd Al Aziz Bin Baz. (Ready to be downloaded or heard in an audio format). Ironically and unsurprising, the verysame radical Islamic charity which advocates for humanitarian work,simultaneously promotes within the rage of its activities the most radicalIslamic ideology of the Wahabbi school of thought, the same ideology thatwas, and still is, the bedrock of the radical political Islam with itsdevastating violent manifestations executed by Al Qaeda and its affiliatedglobal Jihad groups as recently demonstrated in the Mumbai attack. Sheikh Bin Baz teachings and Islamic jurisprudence are to be found in manyIslamic centers, mosques around the world, they are posted on hundreds ofradical Islamic entities and radical Islamic terror organizations web sites,his teaching and books are available and have been part of the radicalIslamic indoctrination curriculum in Jihadi training camps.[11] According tothe Center for Religious Freedom, a US based research institute, "hisFatwas, which carry considerable weight, have been also circulated throughofficial Saudi diplomatic channels to mosques and schools throughout theworld, including some in the United States, and have been particularlyinfluential in radicalizing Muslim youth at home and abroad. Similarly".[ 12]Similar to other radical Islamic groups, Bin Baz's publications are highlyregarded also by Jama't-ud-Da' wah as one of the most authoritative sourcesin the Muslim world actually perceived as a manifestation of the SaudiIslamic Wahabbi-Salafi ideology. Bin Baz radically dichotomous mode ofthinking, coupled with his persistent demonizing of non-Muslims and tolerantMuslims, runs through his Fatwas' publications. The Saudi doctrinal sourcesof Jihadi-Salafism which was led by the prominent Sheikh Bin Baz and a largeclass of his disciples, created among other issues, the "Movement ofAwakening" (Harakat al-Sahwah), led by the two Sheikhs Salman al-Awdah andSafar al-Hawali which contributed as well to the globalization of the SaudiWhahabbi Da'awah. The Ideological Radicalization The past two decades has seen a steady radicalization of Muslim separatistmovements within the Kashmiri conflict. What began in as a nationaliststruggle against Indian rule evolved under the influence of Arab Jihadistsinto a struggle to establish an Islamic state throughout the "Muslim lands"in the subcontinent. The Kashmir arena provided a fertile ground for anincreasing influx of Muslims volunteers (particularly Arabs) who professedradical Salafi-Jihadist ideology, most of whom had trained in the Afghanterrorist camps of Osama bin Laden and others who formed the emergingAl-Qaeda network. The foreign Jihadists regarded the war of Kashmir not as a nationalliberation movement but as a part of the global pan-Islamic struggle - agateway for instigating revolution throughout the Kashmiri Jihad front andbeyond. Already back in 2002,according to Al Qaeda affiliated publication,posted on November 2002,among other issues it was mentioned, "the humanstrategic depth of Islam is to be found in the Eastern Muslims [ SoutheastAsia ]. The population census of the Muslim world [indicates that theirnumber] is a billion and three hundred million (among whom are three hundredmillion Arabs. Therefore, the [strategic] human depth of the Muslims is inour brothers in Indonesia , Malaysia , Bangladesh , Pakistan and India , andthe nation must take them into account. [meaning] that we must translate our"Jihad" culture for them."[13] Jama't-ud-Da' wah as a radical Sunni-Wahabbi oriented Islamic organization,led by Hafiz Mohammad Sayeed, the Emir of the Jama't-ud-Da' wah JUD), whichis the "political" wing and the overt front organization of theLashkar-e-Tayyiba (LET), influenced by the Whahabbi-Salafi Pan-Islamicdoctrine, committed to spread its ideology advocating armed Jihad, as wellas virulent rhetoric condemning the United States, India, Israel, and otherperceived enemies. Its ideology is highly inspired and influenced by theabove mentioned Wahabbi-Salafi school of thought, the actual brand of puristIslam practiced and promoted by Saudi Arabia through its worldwide networkof charities as a tool in promoting the Saudi-Wahabbi political andreligious influence in the Sunni Muslim world. According to Husain Haqqani, the Pakistani ambassador to the U.S. , who wasan adviser to the late Benazir Bhutto, also reports the Saudi funding ofthis terror-under- cover-of- religion operation. In 2005, Haqqani wrote apaper for the Hudson Institute [14] in which Haqqani wrote as follows: "Themost significant Jihadi group of Wahabbi persuasion is Lashkar-e-Taiba (TheArmy of the Pure) founded in 1989 by Hafiz Muhammad Saeed. Backed by Saudimoney and protected by Pakistani intelligence services, Lashkar-e-Taibabecame the military wing of Markaz al-Dawa wal-Irshad (Center for the Callto Righteousness) "[15]. According to Haqqani, "Saeed created a large campusand training facility at Muridke, outside the Pakistani metropolis of Lahore. After the U.S. froze Lashkar-e-Taiba' s assets and called for it to bebanned, Saeed changed his organization' s name in Pakistan to Jamaat-ul-Dawa(the Society for Preaching).. .. Under U.S. pressure, [then-President]General Musharraf placed Jamaat-ul-Dawa on a watch list in November2003."[16] Saudi Arabia created a network of charities, preachers and teachers who haveenormous financial resources, which they utilized in order to advance anddisseminate their version of Islam. Their standing, as the keepers of theHoly places and their oil income, gave the Wahhabis an influentialcapability on a worldwide scale. The local communal Islamic organizations,care for public life, education, knowledge, and rituals, (where publiceducation is slack) were controlled and financed by the Wahhabis. Jamaat-ud-Dawa- the Saudi Wahabbi Ideology contribution Ideas are one of the most important exports of Saudi Arabia in its quest forIslamic dominance as it regards itself as the "spearhead of the Muslimworld" as the "Guardian of the two Holy Places" committed to take care ofMuslim communities and minorities around the world. Saudi Arabia had anetwork of preachers and teachers who have enormous financial resources,which they utilized in order to, advance and disseminate their version ofIslam around the world.[17] Saudi finance to radical Islamic institutions, among them Jamaat-ud-Dawa,has heavily influenced the contents of the vast amount of literature thatthey produce and distribute. Many of them produce low-priced books, and,now, audiotapes, videocassettes and compact discs, and some even operatetheir own web sites. Local scholars were influenced by the vision andunderstanding of Islam is indelibly shaped by their own experiences in SaudiArabia . They see the Saudi Wahhabi version of Islam as normative and other forms ofIslam as deviant. A principle purpose of these publications is to attack thewest and rival Muslim, including Sunni, groups, and to sternly condemn themas 'aberrant' on account of differences in their methods of performingrituals and their rules governing a range of issues related to normativepersonal and collective behavior. Another interesting feature of theliterature that is directly linked to the close association with the SaudiWahabbis is a fierce hostility to local beliefs and practices. Identifying themselves with the Saudi Wahhabi Ulama, enabledJam'at-ud-Da' wah to present themselves as faithful allies of the Saudis,which in turn helps earn them recognition as well as monetary assistancefrom Saudi sponsors. In addition, such publications also serve the purposeof presenting the Saudi Wahhabi version of Islam as normative, and inputting forward the claim of the Saudi regime to being the only one in theworld sincerely and seriously committed to 'genuine' Islam. Despite the attempt of the Saudi government to blur the direct aid to Jihadgroups, from time to time there are reports in the inter-Arab and theinternational press that indicate that the Saudi Based charities transferfunds for Jihad causes in Kashmir, Saudi leaders meet with the leaders ofthe Jihad groups in the country, and they support the Jihad activity of theMuslims in Kashmir including training Jihad fighters. The Saudi activities in this field does not happen in a vacuum, rather as anintegral part of the Saudi policy of exporting Wahabbism outside the bordersof Saudi-Arabia while utilizing penetration routes into the Islamiccommunities that are in distress, especially conflict regions ordisaster-stricken regions. In the Kashmir context, it should be noted thatthe Saudi policy with regard to the Jihad arenas is identical. That is, theSaudis see the Jihad arena in Kashmir equal to the other Jihad arenas, suchas: Chechnya , Bosnia , the Philippines and Palestine . The Late Saudi Grand Mufti Sheikh Bin Baz - "The Ideological attack" Cynically and ironically, while advocating compassion in the name of thedeprived population that JuD is so concerned about, the very same populationhas been exposed for years to the intense radical Islamic Saudi WahabbiDa'awa indoctrination led by Jama't-ud-Da' wah through the radicalizationprocess as demonstrated within the example of Bin Baz "Ideological Attack"book. Bin Baz's writings were published around the world and some of themwere translated into several languages, both printed copies and digitally.Their translation and distribution were an integral part of the Saudi systemfor spreading radical Wahabbi Islam around the world. The means fordistribution included Saudi worldwide operating charities, the Internet,video and audiotapes and books. Following his death in 1999, the Bin BazInstitute was founded and it commemorates and spreads his teachings.[18] The concept of Jihad plays an important role in Bin Baz's scholarship. Hedealt with defining Jihad, the types of Jihad and in what circumstancesJihad should be used. Bin Baz dedicated a special emphasis on Jihad againstthe infidels. Bin Baz perceived Jihad as a continuation of the Da'awaefforts. According to Bin Baz, Islam spread through the Da'awa and wassupported by the sword. In places where Da'awa efforts to spread Islam fail,then the sword should be used. In Bin Baz's opinion, the greatest Jihad iswith one's life, after that with money and after that Jihad with Da'awa andguidance. According to Bin Baz, Da'awa is also a type of Jihad.[19] When Bin Baz was asked: "is protection of the country, land and honorconsidered Jihad?" Bin Baz issued a religious edict that protection ofMuslim territory, family, honor, religion and standing at the fighting frontis considered a form of Jihad and will reward the Muslim with the title of"Shahid"(Martyr) and entrance to paradise. Bin Baz stressed to the fightersin the front that they must fear Allah, purify their intentions, pray withthe group five times a day, mention Allah's name often, strive for unity andbe patient in order to receive tranquility and beware of disobedience toAllah. For this, he quotes verses 45-46 in the "grants from the spoilschapter" in the Qur'an.[20] Being that the defense of the Islamic country, land and honor is a supremevalue in Islam, Bin Baz issued an edict, as did others before him, that ifthe youth was commanded by the Muslim ruler to go on Jihad, then the Muslimyouth, who very much wants to go and fight in the holy war (Jihad), shouldobey the ruler and not his mother if she refuses (it should be noted thatobedience to one's parents is a very important value in Islam).[21] In his book "The Ideological Attack", (published in 1998 and a short timebefore his death) Bin Baz again expresses his views in a very hostile mannertowards the Jews and the Christians. He contended that the Muslim world wasexposed to a barbaric attack on the part of the Christians, the Jews, theCommunists, the atheists, the secularists and others. With regard to theChristians, Bin Baz stated that: "The Christian crusaders' attack today ismost violent.... Muslims whose brains have not been corrupted, cannottolerate the fact that the heretics are coercing...therefor e, such a Muslimtries with all his might to banish them - even if he has to sacrifice hislife." With regard to the Jews, Bin Baz said: "The Jews' plot after takingover the Muslims' lands is to take over other lands. They have realized someof their plans and are continuing to try and materialize the rest".[22] Sheikh Bin Baz defines the "Ideological Attack" as "a set of efforts,undertaken by a particular nation, in order to conquer or influence anothernation, such that [the attack nation] is steered in a particular course ofdirection because of it". Bin Baz claims that Muslims are under an"ideological attack" from three main sources: 1. The attack of the Christiancrusaders 2. The Zionist attack and 3. The communist and atheistic attack.Of the three, Bin Baz points to the Christian attack as the most threateningto Islam. He explains that an "ideological attack" is more severe thanmilitary warfare because the attacked is unprepared to counter it. The attack comes in the form of school curriculums, general education,media, etc. Bin Baz lays the authority in the hands of the leaders of theMuslims, both religious and political, to explain to their population "whatthey have fallen into" and to lead the counter-attack measures. Bin Bazdetermines that a crucial factor in halting the attack is to guide thesociety to truly comprehend the realities of Islam, which can by achieved bycorrect Islamic guidance in the home and in educational institutions, inaddition to the call for Da'wah. On the official Bin Baz Arabic website [23], a warning was posted againsttravel to countries of "heretics". An example is given, stating that travelagencies advertise study abroad summer programs in Europe and America whereyoung Muslim students are exposed to a "heretic" host family, music, dancingand entertainment sites, all which may have severe influence on thetraveler. The article discloses the effects these types of activities mayhave: provocation to stray from the righteous path, moral corruption,doubting of faith, admiration for the "heretic" culture, adoption of"heretic" culture, and finally, the recruitment of young Muslims to serve aspreachers in their home countries. The warning calls for parents to denytheir children's' request to travel abroad. Even though Bin Baz attributes importance to all types of Jihad, heespecially emphasized the Jihad against the infidels, both in Jihad withone's life and with money. In a manuscript published by the Saudi NationalGuard in 1973 titled "the Jews stance towards Islam and the merit of Jihadand Mujaheedin", Bin Baz claimed that Jihad for Allah (in the fightingsense) is considered the most preferable amongst good deeds andcommandments. According to Bin Baz, Jihad is divided into two: offensive anddefensive Jihad. Its goals are to bring victory to Muslims, uplift Islam,subdue the hypocritical heretics, calling on people to return to Islam,facilitate the spread of Da'wah, raising the horn of Allah etc'. Bin Bazbrought examples from the Qur'an and the Hadith for the merits of Jihad forAllah through funds and sacrificing one's life. It should be noted that in the 80's and 90's the Saudis adopted thereligious - ideological concept of "Jihad with Money"(al Jihad bil-Mal)[24], which enabled the support and spread of Da'wah and the Jihadconcepts around the world.[25] Bin Baz called on all Muslims, especiallyArabs, to help their brethren being attacked as much as they could, withmoney and with life.[26] Bin Baz also sanctioned, "Faith and Jihad are theones that will free the Muslim from the tormenting of Allah" and stressedthat Jihad through money is the broadest, since through money one canrecruit manpower, purchase arms, propagandists, and cloths for the fighters,food and tents.[27] In his article, "Cultural Attack: A Complementary Interpretation of Usamabin Ladin"[28] Uriya Shavit, explains the process through which the SaudiUlama identified a phenomenon which they labeled as the "cultural attack" or"intellectual attack" by the West, whose intention was to weaken the Muslimfaith and eventually conquer Muslim land, until all Muslims weresubordinated with Western culture and values. In order to counter thisattack the Ulama (Saudi Islamic scholars/clerics) , conceived of atwo-pronged strategy: The first is to eliminate Saudi Arabia of any Westerninfluences by Islamization of all aspects of Saudi life. The second is tolaunch a counter-attack in the Western world. The Muslim World League published a book entitled "The Means of Combatingthe Intellectual Attack on the Muslim World", to deal with the issuesoutlined by the Ulama. The Ulama saw the Saudi Kingdom as a potential leaderof the struggle against the Western attack, and the Kingdom did not opposethis concept. The Saudi discourse of the "cultural attack" emphasized theneed to shift the struggle into the international arena, launch amultidimensional counter attack and harm the West in the same way that theWest harms the Muslim world. The practical implementation of this ideologywas noticed also in the sub continent when local radical Islamic groups andorganizations were mobilized towards this effort. Jamaat-ud-Dawa is the largest charity in Pakistan is now being linked to theperpetrators of the Mumbai attacks, especially that the charity isconsidered the political wing of Lashkar-e-Tayyiba. What is important is thatwe are facing fresh reminder of the old accusations of the exploitation ofcharitable work in the support and financing of terrorism, a fact that waswell known for years and nothing was done to realize and take actionsagainst the financing and the ideological exploitation carried out for morethan two decades. The Mumbai attack was another waking call demonstrating how charitable andDa'wah work is being used in promoting radical Islamic ideological and itspolitical agenda around the Muslim world and within Muslim communitiesaround disputed regions such as in Iraq acts as a mask for Iranianinfluence, Hezbollah in Lebanon acts in promoting Iran's influence, and howHamas used charities in promoting terrorism and suicide attacks. Jamaat-ud-Dawa as the front parent organization of Lashkar-e-Taiyyba was andstill is since the beginning of the 90's a part of the evolving global Jihadphenomenon although it focused in operating within the local Kashmirdispute. Their global approach was largely enhanced by the SaudiWahabbi-Salafi ideology which was embraced by its prominent Jihadi leadersin promoting its global outreach as an Islamic local entity bonded withinthe framework of the general world wide Islamic solidarity of the"Ummah"(the Islamic Nation) concept. The increasing use of technology, especially the use of the Internet, byIslamic extremist groups including the JuD, has led to a new phenomenonknown as "Glocal" issues, whereas global issues are now becoming localissues.[29] Osama bin Laden could not have his current, and increasing,level of success, if Muslims did not believe their faith, brethren,resources and lands, to be under attack by the United States and, moregenerally, the West. The Internet has helped to spread Al-Qaeda's globalJihad concepts to reach Muslim communities around the world with this verymessage.[30] The concrete violent confrontation with the Christians and the Jews, asmanifested in the Mumbai attack, was carried out and materialized as a toolto counter the Western ideological attack conspiracy. The attack should beperceived within the larger context as a direct manifestation andtranslation into action items of Bin Baz's and other purist Islamic scholarsinfluenced by the Wahabbi-Salafi ideology that played as a majorcontributing factor to the Jamaat-ud-Dawa and Lashkar's global Jihad stateof mind as a motivational and spiritual "engine". Therefore, killing Americans, British and Jews should not come as a surpriseto anyone, whereas Lashkar, which once focused on the local India-Pakistanfight over Kashmir - hit a "new threshold" [31] of terror. Study of theMumbai attack reveals the critical role played by the JuD as the overt frontof Lashkar-e-Taiyyba and its connections to the Da'wah social-welfareinfrastructure of clinics, schools, mosques and charities in recruiting andpushing young local Kashmir Muslims to the point of committing acts ofterrorism.Jama't-ud-Da' wah statement following its'designation ict_jud_statement. jpghttp://www.jamatdaw accessed on 18 December 2008 Jama't-ud-Da' wahEnglish web siteThe Saudi Wahabbi Ideology Influence - "The Ideological Attack" ict_jud_notice. jpghttp://www.jamatdaw accessed on 18 December 2008 Quotations from the "Ideological Attack"ict_jud_quotations. jpghttp://www.jamatdaw (Note: English misspellings appear in the original, copied as is)."From those treatises and verdicts are:* A Critique of [Arab] Nationalism (1/284)* The Importance of Knowledge in CombatingDestructive Ideologies Such as Atheism, Capitalism and Freemasonry (4/59) * Concerning the Need to Form a United FrontBy the Various Islaamic Groups In Sudan Against the Secularists (4/166) * The Obligation of Jihad in Afghanistan(5/I58) * Concerning the Baabaree Mosque of Indiaand Respecting Muslim Sentiments (7/349) * Concerning Muslim Minorities in Europe andAmerica and the Need to Support Them (2/370) * Causes For the Weakness of the Muslims InFront of their Enemies and the Means To Cure This (5/101) * A General Call to All Governments andOrganizations to Aid the Muslims of Bosnia and Herzegovina With Manpower,Wealth, Weapons and Supplications (7/356) * Concerning the Merits of Jihaad and ThatIt is Not Only Defensive (3/171) * A Letter to the Afghaan Mujaahidoon andthe Efforts of the Enemies of Allaah in Seeking To Split Their Ranks (7/348)The Ideological Attack by the Christians, Zionists and Communistsand the Methods Employed By Them (3/438)." "Question: The enemies of Allaah are very eager to enter into the Muslimlands by various methods. So what efforts do you believe should be exertedin order to put a stop to this surge that has threatened the Islaamicsocieties?""Answer: This is not something strange coming from the callers toChristianity, Judaism, or the other religions of unbelief. Since Allaah, theMost Perfect and to Whom belongs all praise, informed us about this in Hisclear Revelation when He said:" Never will the Jews and the Christians bepleased with you until you follow their ways of life. Say: Indeed theGuidance of Allaah that is the only Guidance. And if you were to followtheir false desires after what you have received of the knowledge ofRevelation, then you would have neither a guardian, nor any helper againstAllaah."Allaah, the Most Perfect, also said: "And they will never stop fighting you,until they turn you away from your Religion, if they can.""0 you who Believe! Enter into Islaam completely, and do not follow thefootsteps of Shaytaan, because he is to you a clear enemy.""Question: Are the Arabs generally subjected to this type of warfare, inparticular the kingdom of Saudi Arabia ?Answer: Yes, the Muslims in general, including the Arabs, the kingdom, andother than them, are all subject to a great ideological attack from thevarious nations of unbelief (Kufr); from both the east and the west. Theseverest and most serious of these [ideological] attacks are: - The attackof the Christian crusaders the Zionist attack, the communist and atheisticattack.""After numerous case studies and assemblies they arrived at [something] thatwas far more dangerous and destructive than military warfare; which was thatthe Christian nations, both individually and collectively, should launch anideological attack on those Muslims who were just beginning to grow anddevelop. This is because conquering the hearts and thoughts of a people isfar more permanent than conquering their lands! The Muslim whose mind hasnot been corrupted cannot bear to see the unbelievers wielding authority,and ordering and prohibiting in his own country. Therefore such a Muslimstrives his utmost to expel and distance them - even if he has to sacrificehis own life, or his most cherished possession for this cause; and this iswhat happened after the major conquest of the crusaders.""As for the Muslim who is exposed to this filthy attack, he becomes ill inthought and desensitized to this disease; he may not even see any dangerwith the presence of Christians in the lands of the Muslims. Indeed, he mayeven think that their presence is a source of goodness, which aids andadvances civilization. ""So the Christians have sufficed themselves with this ideological attack, asopposed to the military one, because it is more effective and morepermanent... they resort to this in situations where speed is sought; such aswhat happened in Uganda and Pakistan. Or when there is a need to stabilizethe advancement, or establish centers, or to establish bases, which engagein destructive ideological warfare; such as what happened in Egypt , Syria ,Iraaq, and other countries, before their expulsion"."Also what Allaah, the Most High, mentions in His statements:" Never willthe Jews and the Christians be pleased with you until you follow their wayof life.""The Zionist war is just the same. The Jews strive their utmost to corruptthe beliefs, morals and manners of the Muslims. The Jews scheme and craveafter possessing the Muslim lands, as well as the lands of others. They havefulfilled some of their plans and continue striving hard to implement therest of them. Even though they do engage the Muslims in warfare involvingstrength and arms and have occupied some of their lands, they also fightthem by spreading destructive thoughts, beliefs and ideologies; such asFreemasonry, Qadiaanisim, Bahaaism, Teejaanism and others - seeking thesupport of the Christians and others, in order to fulfill their objectives.""The peace between the Muslim leaders of Palestine and the Jews does notmean that the Jews will permanently possess the lands that they possess now.Rather, it only means that they will be in possession of them for a periodof time, until either the truce expires, or until the Muslims become strongenough to force them out of the Muslim lands -in the case of an unrestrictedpeace. Likewise, when we have the ability, it is obligatory to fight theJews until they enter into Islaam, or until they give the Jizyah (a taxlevied from those non-Muslims who are permitted to live under the protectionof the Muslim state) in servility... "------------ --------- --------- -------Founded in 1996, the International Policy Institute for< il/Default. aspx> Counter-Terrorism (ICT) is the leadingacademic institute for counter-terrorism in the world, facilitatinginternational cooperation in the global struggle against terrorism. ICT isan independent think tank providing expertise in terrorism,counter-terrorism, homeland security, threat vulnerability and riskassessment, intelligence analysis and national security and defense policy.

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